Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sugar and Spice

In a world where everyone's opinion is on blast, it is hard to keep one's bottled inside.  What in the world I am saying, I am made with more spice than sugar.  I am loud and opinionated and I don't apologize for it.  I have some strong opinions about many things and I have no filter about them.  However, some things I have been keeping quiet about.  I don't like drama and my spice does tend to lend itself to a whole lot of drama.

That being said... here are some things that you need to know.

1.  Do not ask for my advice/opinion/what to do, and then not take it or take it into consideration.  My spice will get you there.  I will tell you and then I'll get frustrated that you are not following it.  If you want me to not think that you are going to follow it, you might not want to ask me.  It's not one of those my ways or the high way things, it is more of you asked me, you must need my help.  I'm thinking of ways to help you, I have come up with something good, and for you not to try it, makes me crazy.  Then I have the need to tell you that you are not following it so stop belly aching about it.

2.  I don't agree with everything that you say.  (Shocker)  You see one side and I almost always see the other.  People get so upset when you don't see things the way that you do.  I don't.  You can see something other than I do and I am so okay with that.  I am not going to try and change your mind.  I know that you are going to try and change my mind.  I don't know why you keep doing that, but keep on trying.  You are wasting your time.

3.  I am a forever optimist, with pessimistic thoughts.  You might ask how this works; let me explain.  I always think that something positive is going to happen.  I always look at things in a good way.  Then I think about it, and realize that it is not really going to happen, and I just need to call it a day.  

There are some things that you come to realize when you are an adult.  Call them harsh truths if you will.  Money will run out, you have to keep trying to earn it.  (Earn being the key word)  Love will grow, change, and evolve; you will have to be okay with that or you will be left behind.  People will tell you that they like or love you and this will not be the truth.  People will disappoint you, let it happen.  You will grow from it.  Do what you want.  If you have a before 40 bucket list, you do it.  Don't let family and friends change it.  Also, friends will come and go.  They will try and be there for you, but in the end you have to be there for yourself.  Laundry never ends.  Dancing in your underwear is fun, at all ages.  

Disappointed as you might be with things, keep on trying.  A bird will still try and fly even if you clip her wings.  

"1-2-3 Like a bird I sing
Cause you've given me the most beautiful set of wings
I'm so glad you're here today
Cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away"

Thursday, April 21, 2016

A mind that doesn't rest

Image result for Restless mind

I tend to be very critical and hard on myself.  I try not be hard on myself, but it doesn't seem that I can let up.  I'm also trying not to dwell on things.  But, sometimes I can't stop that either.

Life is always evolving, always moving.  But, sometimes I'd like it to stop both of these a slow down.  I didn't think that life was going fast until I hit 30.  (Yes, I know it hasn't been a year... but it has been a long year.)  Anyways.  I was trying not to head down the depressing rode, of not being able to conceive that I usually go to.  (It's always on my restless mind, from baby dreams, to thinking of what I am going to name my kids.. it is never ending.)  But I honestly have other thoughts than just those, they just never seem to service.

I have been on a diet (minus my friends wedding this past weekend, Congratulations to them by the way!! <3) for about 2 weeks.  In those 2 weeks, I have lost 5 lbs.  It has been hard.  And I have said that I want to lose about 20lbs by July.  Which, if you have ever tired to be on a diet and lose it is really really hard.  I quickly ate so much fish that I am tired of it.  And I am slowly getting tired of eating chicken.  The problem is the Hubz is on a diet too, however he is doing nutrasystem.  So he doesn't eat what I eat.  And work is one giant struggle.  We work next to Chickfila and the smell comes through our building.  I feel like I smell it and gain back what I would lose.  Oh, and there is the fact that I just can't seem to drink water.  I don't like the taste of it.  So, I try to flavor it with Crystal Light, but that is 5 calories every time I do it, on top of whatever I am consuming in the day.  Which has really been a lot less.  But I haven't been tracking.  This is simple, in order to lose weight reduce your calorie intake and get moving.  Yeah...

I really just want to eat a Cheeseburger and hope that I don't gain 5lbs.  But, I'm trying very hard not to give up.  Anything that you can do to encourage me would be great.  I have to keep on keeping on.