This journey can get lonely. Even if I have taken a break from all the treatments. Until I get pregnant, I am still in this, unless I leave it all together. I think that people don't always know how to support those going through this, and while this might not be the way for everyone, this is a suggestion.
Listen: Even if the person is not talking; listen to what they have to say and what they don't have to say. Sometimes this is may take a little bit of detective work, but pay attention. Don't think of what you are going to say next, sometimes you need to not talk about you. Just listen.
Be there: There is nothing more than someone needs going through this than someone to be there. And don't just say that you will be there, make an effort to be there.
Stress: It's pretty high. We need a lot of things to destress us. Sometimes we don't get to do anything that will actually help with this, because everything makes us feel stressed. Find things that we like to do and do it with us. We will feel better.
Sometimes I forget, okay not sometimes, ALL the time I forget what other people have gone through on their journey to their babies. It is not because I just want to think about what is going on with me, or that I want it all to be about me. It is because I think about so much and I forget what others have gone through.
Talking with the Hubs (which I really want to change his nickname.. that's another day) and he sees things way different from me. I don't know if it is because I am so caught up in things, or because I just think that I see it the way I see it. But, I only see one side of it. And that could really be bad.
I have been keeping track of how long it has been since I have had my last shot. In case you too are not keeping track it has been 6 months. I didn't mean to leave it this long, but here we are, and it was about this time last year that we decided that we were going to start cycles again at the end of June after our vacation. It is crazy to think that a lot can change in 6 months, and a lot can not. It is also funny that when you are at different doctor's office they will ask you if you are pregnant. In fact at the dentists office today I got asked 3 times if I was pregnant; once on paper, once by the hygienist, and lastly by the dentist. I almost said that I would 100% tell you if I was because I would be so excited that I couldn't keep that secret from anyone. I just brushed it aside.
I didn't want to write a blog today that would be sad. This one was supposed to be more about making you think. However, it seems that all I write about is being sad. I really wish not to be sad. I really wish that I find the peace. I promise to stop writing blogs so late at night, because I feel like they are starting to not make sense.
I leave you with this...
Love's own tender flames warm this meeting And love's tender song you sing But fly away little pretty bird And pretty you'll always sing
Crooked Still- Pretty Bird