I realized that I forgot to give an update after going to the new RE's office. I'm sorry. Sometimes (more than sometimes) I forget.
Back Story:
(I am going to here on out call everything down in Charlottesville, Chalottesville. I can't keep up and know that there is a difference between it all, but since I more than likely will not be talking much about them anymore, I feel no need to be correct. )
When I went to Charlottesville, I felt like a deer in headlights. Everything was new. I didn't follow any blogs, Instagrams, or Facebook Groups. I only had my own blog and I spent my time between it and google trying to find as much information as we went along. I feel duped. Basically the entire first cycle was a failure from beginning to end. I have come to terms with that. As heart breaking as it sounds, that is how it is.
While waiting for the 2nd cycle, I tried to eat better, move more and get more sleep. When I was stiming (that is what they call taking the injections and getting ready for the Egg retrieval) I had a bought with food poisoning in which I could only hold down crackers and ginger ale. And then after that I was just sick for a while. I also found the Instagram community and more and more things to learn. I went into our 2nd IVF with more questions (which Charlottesville NEVER answered) and more knowledge. It still failed. I was pissed, because this one was not set up that way. It has taken a lot to over come that.
Like I said it has taken a while to over come failing that 2nd time. We made perfect Embryos, and yet Charlottesville still couldn't and can't tell us why nothing worked. I really think that they NEVER had any interest in getting me pregnant. If you think about it, they don't have Infertility in their title at all. Or maybe I am just really bitter, the world may never know. We stopped all Medications and everything in December of 2016. I waited to make any moves or call until June 2017. 6 months of trying to figure out what I am going to do. 6 months of trying to make myself better. 6 months of wait.
Dr. Garde is my new RE and I go to Shady Grove. They look over everything. The first meeting consult was just that. And then we were off the the races of testing. Lots and Lots. They test everything. And I mean everything. And they want to know EVERYTHING. Charlottesville just does basic testing. We learned that, when we went there on Tuesday. Dr. Garde "thinks" that when they saw that I had so many follicles that they were not interested in testing me for low egg reserve, which by the way I now know that I do not have. Dr. Garde said that they also put me on suppression protocol. Which I did't know until she said that. I didn't know a lot until she said any of those things. But, she tells you all of it. They are super transparent. I also learned that Shady Grove will not transfer any embryos that are not what they should be. So the first cycle, they would have not put the embryos in. And she asked why they would do that? I still don't know. I hate saying that I don't know. Makes me feel dumb.
All my testing came back normal. I look good. Mischa's came back a little better than before. But, we still have to do IVF. That hasn't changed. Just how long we do it and what we were doing. Dr. Garde asked me again why I was only on egg stimulation meds for 5 days. I said that I don't know. Well I will be on them longer than 5 days this time around. Oh man. So we start all of this when my natural cycle comes. With a possible retrieval at the end of September. I am getting pretty excited.
So in advance I would like to apologize for being cranky on any of the meds when they start. I can't help it. I also pray that I don't get sick. Because the meds that I am going to be on combined with how many follicles that I have can make me really sick. Pray that this brings my baby home, and this change is all that we need. So for now, love and baby dust.