When I set out on this Journey in Feb I was determined that I was going to keep up with blogging this time. While I have done better than my past attempts, I have not done as well as I liked. Again I am still stuck in a rut; AND I am now on a budget. So, I need to find meals that I can fix, that are interesting that don't cost a small fortune when I go to the grocery store.
To be honest, I would really like to just spend my time making the food, rather than going to the grocery store. I like going to the grocery store, but I get stressed because they don't have all the ingredients for a recipe. When they don't have one, I start to panic, or I start thinking that I will just adjust and everything will be okay.
That is why some of these blogs have not been about food. Most of the recent ones ave been on whatever this little ole brain can think of. (Let me tell you that sometimes it really isn't that much ;)).
This weekend we went to an Anime convention. It's a fun time, but let me just tell you somethings that are not good about it.
1. Nerds DO NOT know how to stay in a line, or go with the flow of traffic. I thought that you all were supposed to be smarter than the rest of us and know which way to go. I don't want to drive down the road with any of you, cause I garentee you are going down the wrong side of the road.
2. Have you ever heard of a shower? Coming to the convention with greasy hair is unacceptable. Spending 3 days in your outfit with out showering is unacceptable. You are staying in a hotel, you can use as much water as you like. VISIT the shower, if not once, twice in a day.
3. DON'T stop and not look at the booth/vender/dealer you are in front of. There is someone behind you, probably shorter, that wants to look at stuff and you are in the way. 4. If you are a 400lb man, and you are going to watch something in subtitles DON'T sit in the middle of the room. There is someone shorter sitting behind you and you ruin a ton of what is going on.
I did have a good time, I am excited that "My Little Pony" and "Power Rangers" are making a come back. I even got to meet the green ranger!!! :) That is all for now..until next time :D
Monday, July 30, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
>.< this month is flyin by....
Where has the time gone? I always think that I have more time to cook, write, read...or just nap, then I look down at my planner, and realize that there are 9 days until my Birthday....YIKES. Last year this time, I wasn't even remotely worried about when I had time to write, I hadn't started to blog. Last year on this date, I finally picked out my wedding dress.... That's me, on the day I picked it. It was saved on my computer and Mike didn't find it.
This day also happens to be my great grandmother's 103rd birthday, and Yes I did pick out my dress on her birthday. I really felt like she was spreading fairy dust from heaven, and I finally decided on this dress.
My best friend and Matron of Honer picked out this dress. I could not imagine my life with out her and I couldn't imagine that day with out her.
If you know me well, you know that I do EVERYTHING last minute, I do it well, but it is totally impulse. I drive more than everyone nuts when I do it. From empty cabinets, to big projects, that is how I work. I'll buy your birthday present, the day of your birthday...I might even wish you a happy birthday the day before so that I don't miss it. My wedding plans last year went that way, but I go it all done. I have no idea why I am rambling on about why I am so last minute. Other than I really really need some inspiration in the kitchen. I see all these recipes that I want to make. But then when I get down to it I don't make them. I'm not lazy, I just don't want to have to shop every day. I need a shopping time to just fill up the house and shopping time to just fill up what I am going to try.
I haven't made anything new in a very long time. I get in the kitchen and I just stare. I get on Pinterest and pin something and then I just let it sit there. I am not a lazy person, but my willingness to cook, is gone with the wind, and I am not sure how to get it back. SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!!
What I would really like for my birthday this year is a nice cookbook (that I don't have to keep returning to the library), and a Zebra. The Zebra, I am more than sure I will not get. I would so keep it in the back yard. I would also like spooines (Rachael Ray of coarse) Two yards of orange fleece, and anything Zebra that you can find. Now I am not expecting packages to land at my door step. But I wasn't sure what else to ask for. I was thinking more of the practical. PS...I am up 24 views since the 6th. I would really like to get up to 400 by August first....so pass on the word. And send me some inspiration!!!
This day also happens to be my great grandmother's 103rd birthday, and Yes I did pick out my dress on her birthday. I really felt like she was spreading fairy dust from heaven, and I finally decided on this dress.
If you know me well, you know that I do EVERYTHING last minute, I do it well, but it is totally impulse. I drive more than everyone nuts when I do it. From empty cabinets, to big projects, that is how I work. I'll buy your birthday present, the day of your birthday...I might even wish you a happy birthday the day before so that I don't miss it. My wedding plans last year went that way, but I go it all done. I have no idea why I am rambling on about why I am so last minute. Other than I really really need some inspiration in the kitchen. I see all these recipes that I want to make. But then when I get down to it I don't make them. I'm not lazy, I just don't want to have to shop every day. I need a shopping time to just fill up the house and shopping time to just fill up what I am going to try.
I haven't made anything new in a very long time. I get in the kitchen and I just stare. I get on Pinterest and pin something and then I just let it sit there. I am not a lazy person, but my willingness to cook, is gone with the wind, and I am not sure how to get it back. SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!!
What I would really like for my birthday this year is a nice cookbook (that I don't have to keep returning to the library), and a Zebra. The Zebra, I am more than sure I will not get. I would so keep it in the back yard. I would also like spooines (Rachael Ray of coarse) Two yards of orange fleece, and anything Zebra that you can find. Now I am not expecting packages to land at my door step. But I wasn't sure what else to ask for. I was thinking more of the practical. PS...I am up 24 views since the 6th. I would really like to get up to 400 by August first....so pass on the word. And send me some inspiration!!!
Friday, July 6, 2012
I LOVE Pinterest!!!
If you haven't been on Pinterest, or you have pinned a recipe but haven't tried it you really need to. Every recipe that I have done has come out AMAZING. One day I really want to make money on what I cook. I really think that I should have taken up a cooking course!!!! So I made Pumpkin Muffins which are "Weight Watcher" endorsed. http://sweet-verbena.blogspot.com/2011/08/pumpkin-muffins.html
You can find the recipe there. It really is two ingredients.
<a href="http://www.frommygreydeskblog.com/2012/01/high-five-for-friday-button.html"><img src="http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd361/lauren_FMGD/H54F1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a>
So after reading a friends blog I have decided to praticipate in the "Friday High Fives." Let's see how it goes....
Here is what it is....
1. This pretty little girl finally made it into this world on 07/02/2012. I couldn't be a happier Aunt!!
2. This little guy and I made it through our first babysitting/slumber party all by ourselves. We had a wonderful dinner, and he tried to swim in the bath tub!!!!
3. Happy fourth of July. It is always awful on my poor pups!!!
4. I found a kick a$$ recipe and it went very well..you have to try it!!!!
You can find the recipe there. It really is two ingredients.
<a href="http://www.frommygreydeskblog.com/2012/01/high-five-for-friday-button.html"><img src="http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd361/lauren_FMGD/H54F1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a>
So after reading a friends blog I have decided to praticipate in the "Friday High Fives." Let's see how it goes....
Here is what it is....
High Five for Friday
High Five for Friday is a weekly post about your five favorite things recently. it's a chance to stop and reflect on the things that you've enjoyed over the past week, which is something we should all do.
i've created a button that you can post on your blog if you participate in this weekly fun!
the HTML code directs readers to this post, so they can see what H54F is all about.
also, with my weekly post, i include a linky tool so you guys can link up your own High Five for Friday post!
so, button up!
so, button up!

5. It is a Harry Potter, ABC family weekend, and you know what that means for me. I will get no work done. Great!!!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend. I'm going to see spider man. And RyRo (our house mate) is making us dinner tonight. We are also going on a double date with him tomorrow night to see Spider Man!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Oh My It's July....
Welcome to the world Tabitha Nichole, 07/02/12. I sped all the way to NC to see her!!! The picture will have to be this big, because technology hates me, and I cannot change it!!! She is such a pretty baby girl. I could just hold her all day, but I had to leave so, I will not be able to hold her for a while.
This is my little man. And I watched him for the first time overnight all by myself. I was worried that we wouldn't make it through the night. But we did and he was still smiling in the morning. Truly, I LOVE THIS KID. He was my ring bearer. I can't believe in almost 10 months how much he has grown. He has teeth now!!!!
I will stop showing off my niece and nephew now. I cannot believe that it is July. Where has this year gone? I still can't believe that I don't work at wally world all the time!!! I also can't believe that there are 300 views of my blog. Wonder who is looking?
This blog has become much more than what I do in the kitchen. But I have decided not to change the name because everything begins in the kitchen. Who is not thinking about what they are going to eat or drink next? And if you say that you aren't, you are really lying. Now it is becoming more of who is gonna clean up after my kitchen mess?
I love reading other peoples blogs too. I get ideas from you guys. I like to think that one day my blog might be turned into a book. One of my many careers was to publish a book. I might.
I really hope that my last blog didn't turn you off to me. But honestly, it is my blog. Sometimes you just need to say things. I have no problem letting my mouth get ahead of me....
I have been eating a LOT of chicken. Which is not unusual for me, but is for the hubby. Also the hubby and our house mate, are doing P90X. I'm not sure if I am going to join them. I would like to be thinner, but I don't want muscles. Not sure if I will do it or not...time will tell. Start paying attention to my pictures. Then you will see if I am doing it or not!!!!
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