Welcome to the world Tabitha Nichole, 07/02/12. I sped all the way to NC to see her!!! The picture will have to be this big, because technology hates me, and I cannot change it!!! She is such a pretty baby girl. I could just hold her all day, but I had to leave so, I will not be able to hold her for a while.
This is my little man. And I watched him for the first time overnight all by myself. I was worried that we wouldn't make it through the night. But we did and he was still smiling in the morning. Truly, I LOVE THIS KID. He was my ring bearer. I can't believe in almost 10 months how much he has grown. He has teeth now!!!!
I will stop showing off my niece and nephew now. I cannot believe that it is July. Where has this year gone? I still can't believe that I don't work at wally world all the time!!! I also can't believe that there are 300 views of my blog. Wonder who is looking?
This blog has become much more than what I do in the kitchen. But I have decided not to change the name because everything begins in the kitchen. Who is not thinking about what they are going to eat or drink next? And if you say that you aren't, you are really lying. Now it is becoming more of who is gonna clean up after my kitchen mess?
I love reading other peoples blogs too. I get ideas from you guys. I like to think that one day my blog might be turned into a book. One of my many careers was to publish a book. I might.
I really hope that my last blog didn't turn you off to me. But honestly, it is my blog. Sometimes you just need to say things. I have no problem letting my mouth get ahead of me....
I have been eating a LOT of chicken. Which is not unusual for me, but is for the hubby. Also the hubby and our house mate, are doing P90X. I'm not sure if I am going to join them. I would like to be thinner, but I don't want muscles. Not sure if I will do it or not...time will tell. Start paying attention to my pictures. Then you will see if I am doing it or not!!!!
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