I have been a little bit reluctant to share this information with you, as you might not be interested in this idea, but considering it is my blog I though that I would get it a shot. Last year I began selling Scentsy, I have done well with this and the people that I sell to seem to be enjoying the products and coming to the house for get togethers. I am still selling Scentsy, but now I am selling Thirty-one. Which is more than just purses. Thirty-one helps you organize your office, even aspects of your life. You may not think that you need it, but in some ways you do!
Who wants to buy an Easter Basket that in a few years you will have to toss out? (No ONE!!) So instead buy this, personalize it with your child's name and it could last for years on end!!
Do you have an office? If you are like me your office is the bag that you carry around, before Thirty-one the bag that I carried around was a mess, so was the binder that I carried it all in...I solved that problem with two bags...
I thank you all the time over and over for following this blog, and I really try and entertain you!! I would love if you would support me a little bit more and order Thirty-one from me!!! Thanks in advance!!
The above is where you can order from!!!
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