That pretty mouth say that dirty word
And I can't even remember now what she backed my truck into
But she covered her mouth and her face got red
And she just looked so darn cute
That I couldn't' even act like I was mad
Yeah, I live for little moments like that
-Brad Paisley
There are very few times where I am not thinking about when my baby will come. The reminder is sometimes almost more than I can take. Yesterday was a time where there were moments where I forgot and then there were moments that I was reminded.
Yesterday, Hubs and I went to one of our favorite places, Busch Gardens. We have been taking friends with us, because it is more fun with more people, and we enjoy company. When I was thinking about having fun, when I was tasting the food, I wasn't thinking about not being pregnant. But, when I got on one of the rides, I was reminded that I had tried so very hard for a year. You see there are some things that are reminders of a year of trying. Not being able to hold my bladder is one of them.
I really do enjoy the moments when I am forgetting. Not that I can totally forget about it, I just like when I don't have to remember. I did really really well this last month. I met a few new people and I didn't tell them about the IVF journey. I just talked, one did ask me about having kids, and instead of it coming out like work vomit I just took a deep breath and I said, "Not Yet." Which makes me pretty proud. It is hard sometimes not to just say it.
Another little moment is my hair. My hair is growing back and not falling out. This I noticed big time yesterday. One reason is because I took a straightener to my hair. The other I could put it up in a bun, and nothing came out. I know that people lose their hair for many reason's, but it was the 2nd worse thing to happen other than not being pregnant. Many may have not noticed that my hair was getting thinner, and I am okay with that. But, I have happy to say that my hair is better again.
It's really funny how different moments sneak by you. How time "Stands Still for no man.." I could spend so many of those moments thinking about what I don't have. But, I try hard to focus on what I do. I also try to focus on things that need to be changed. I am working hard on that.
"I live for little moments.. Like that."
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