I am not a Green Day fan, but since this is the last day of September, I thought that this was appropriate. This was THE longest September that I have had in a long time. I was pretty much on Birth Control Pills (BCP) the entire month. Which in the land of OZ pretty much sucks. (More on that later.) Abby our beloved Boxer had to have ACL surgery this month. Which on the suck meter sucked pretty bad. Poor girl has had a lot of trouble getting comfy and sleeping since then. Lots of sleepless night. I wish that I could give her a sedative at night, so that she could relax and sleep. Mischa and I have been taking turns sleeping on the couch with her. And it was really great last weekend when she stayed the night at my parents house. I know that they didn't get much sleep, but we did and for that I am thankful.
I missed my first baseline appointment. I'm not sure if it was them or me. But I was sure that that appointment was on Friday the 29th, not Thursday. Also I made an appointment Thursday morning, and the receptionist didn't say anything to me. I have decided that I really don't like receptionist and I hope that I don't have to talk to her much other than having to make appointments, she seems kindof dumb and a little spaced out.
I went to my appointment on Friday, but this also caused another day of BCP. So I had to go and get a refill for one pill. I would be okay with BCP if I could control myself and if I could not get cysts from them. But, everytime that I go on them, I get a cyst. So, I have lots of follicles, but I have a cyst. Lucky for me, my blood work came back fine.. meaning that it is not an estrogen producing cyst. So I am clear to start shots on Monday. Shot Central Station is pulling in for a landing.
Since being on BCP all I want to do is eat. I have to always tell myself that I am not actually hungry, but it never fails and I just give in. I am not sure what side effect this is, but I don't like it. My face is always all broke out. I am not sure why Doctor's put you on BCP to clear your face, because it NEVER does mine.
October is my favorite time of year. If it could stay October all year, I would keep it. I don't want to live anywhere where there isn't a fall or an October. I am determined that we will enjoy all of October this year. Mischa and I saw the IT movie the other day, which I am shocked that he wanted to go to, because he doesn't like those movies. But, it was good. And there was a preview for the new "Saw" movie "Jigsaw." I was hoping that he would say that he wanted to go to that with me. But, he shook his head no. That's okay my mom will go with me.
Well for now I leave you with love and baby dust! I need lots and lots of baby dust. Which you can order and send me if you would like... Just a thought!