Last week at work I received an email from my IVF clinic. I get a lot of emails from them... they love to email. I hate it, I wish they would call or text me. Anyways: It was from the billing lady and in the highlight section is said that I owed $2650, before any of my IVF could start. I had a mini- panic attack. Everything is supposed to be covered. I read the email twice to make sure that I wasn't missing anything before I responded. I simply stated that everything was supposed to be covered because of the testing that we had done, and that I did't understand the charge. One thing is for sure, with all their emails they are quick to return them. So in the email back she asked if we were doing PGS testing on the embryos, I explained that because all other testing came back okay, we decided that we would not test the embryos. Then she sent back an email apologizing, she hadn't talked to our nurse and was just giving us that price. She said that I only would owe $100. Which I didn't think that I owed, but she said that it was a deductible. That I can handle. I don't think that I should have to play that. But, it is better than $2650 so I will take it.
Our insurance is really good. I am very thankful for that. I don't know if we would have been able to do another cycle if our insurance was different. The debt is really high. But, anything is worth it for a baby!
I have an appointment on Thursday. This will be the first time that I drive to the clinic on my own. I still have to use GPS, but I'll get there. They are going to do a mock transfer. I'd love if they could just sedate me for this, but I will be awake. I do try to take a few Tylenol before hand. This is a simple procedure, but my uterus contracts a lot. After that I won't have any appointments until the 29th. Then is is on like donkey kong.
I have been pretty good on BC so far. The only thing that I have is I get hot, and really thirsty. My skin has heat rash bumps on my face, and my poor lips are chapped. I am hoping that they don't make me take them longer than 21 days. I have also been trying to be quiet more than normal, because being mean is something that I really do while on BCP.
I can't wait until all this is over and I have my baby in my arms. I dream of that often. I am also trying to keep the faith and stop thinking that this is happening because of something that I have done wrong in God's eyes. I am just hoping that this will all work out. That our baby will choose us. So for now, Love and baby dust!
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