Friday, October 6, 2017

Menopur is no joke

Injections themselves are nothing to be taken lightly, but Menopur is a beast.  It stings and it hurts and I am not a fan.  But, my body likes it and it works.  For all my prayer and good juju warriors Thank You so much.  Because this seems to be really working.  

I have to say that I really feel different this IVF cycle.  I feel like I am at a place that know what they are doing.  They aren't guessing at things.  This isn't something that they are just trying.  I felt like everything in Charlotesville was just something to "try."  I'm still bitter over that.  I just feel like they were uninterested in me, I didn't have anything preventing me from being pregnant so I was a lost cause.

Now the next stages in this process, I am not sure how I will work out.  One of the shots I have to do in the morning.  And then I will start vaginal inserts that I have read that have to be morning, lunch, and night.  Um, when do I have time for that?  I guess Ill find time.  On the go?  I am not going to worry about that until its here.

It is funny to see how people are in different stages of their life.  A year ago I feel like I was in a different stage than I am now, but then some days I feel like I am in the same stage of my life.  How long will this stage take?  And Why am I putting age limits on any stage?  That is just what I do I guess.

When I went to the Dr's office yesterday, my follicles were already measuring and they aren't supposed to be.  I just I like to be ahead.  My estrogen levels measured good too.  I am doing good.  And I feel pretty good too.  I am not emotional.  Just tired, I have to be up at 6am or earlier to get to the appointments.  I am not a morning person.  So prayers and juju for that would be great.  Infact last night I feel asleep at 8pm, needless to say Mischa was not happy about that.  I was back to sleep by 10ish pm.  

Well, time to get ready for work.  Lots of love and baby dust!